Latest News and Announcements
Mr. Rasheed Kittinanthapanya won MEDER2018 Gold Best Student Paper Award
Our alumnus Mr. Rasheed Kittinanthapanya won the above award for his presentation “A Novel SMA Driven Compliant Rotary Actuator Based on Double Helical Structure” in the 4th IFToMM Symposium on Mechanical Design for Robotics (MEDER2018).
Students from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) Visited TokyoTech
On Sep. 6 in 2017, A group of undergraduate students and professor from EPFL visited Tokyo Institute of Technology as part of an overseas visit program. As part of the visit, we gave a tour of the experiment room and introduced the researches done in our lab.
Mr. Jeremy Jong won SI2016 best presentation award.
Mr. Jeremy Jong won the above award for his presentation in the 17th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference.
The 33-rd Annual Conference of the RSJ
The above conference has been held on Sep. 3-5 at Tokyo Kitasenju Campus, Tokyo Denki University. Assoc. Prof. Sugahara and Assist. Prof. Matsuura gave presentations.
New Associate Professor Sugahara joined to the lab.
Dr. Yusuke SUGAHARA has joined to our laboratory as a new associate professor.
Mr. Alexander Szigeti won a Best Student Paper award in MEDER2015
Mr. Alexander Szigeti has won the Best Student Paper Gold Medal for his presentation in the 3rd IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics (MEDER2015) about his research activity during his visit in Takedalab in last year.
Mr. Shouhei KAWASUMI, a graduated student in 2014, won the IFToMM Young Investigator Fund Best Paper Award
Mr. Shouhei KAWASUMI, who earned master degree in our lab. at Mar. 2014, won the IFToMM Young Investigator Fund Best Paper Award in the year 2014. He received the prize at the IFToMM annual meeting on May 24, 2014.
Activity of prof. Takeda was published on a Russian scientific community newspaper.
Activity of prof. Takeda while he has been to Russia for attending to Romansy2014 was published on a russian scientific community newspaper “Poisk”. The caption under the photograph says that Japanese professor Yukio Takeda has come to Russia in order to meet with colleagues and participate in 20th scientific symposium on robot theory and practice…
Assistant prof. Daisuke Matsuura gave a presentation in Medical and service robotics (Mesrob2014) held at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland during July 10(Thu) to 12(Sat).
Prof. Yukio Takeda gave a presentation at 20th CISM-IFToMM symposium on theory and practice of robots and manipulators Moscow (Romansy2014), held in Moscow during June 23(Mon) to 26(Thu).
Prof. Yukio Takeda and assistant prof. Matsuura gave presentations at The 14th mechatronics forum international conference (Mechatronics2014), held at Karlstads University, Sweden during June 16(Mon) to 18(Wed).
Mr. Shouhei KAWASUMI won the JSME Miura Award
Mr. Shouhei KAWASUMI, a second-year master’s student of Takeda lab., has won the JSME Miura Award in the commencement ceremony of the dept. of mechanical engineering and sciences, held on Mar. 26, 2014.